CorQuest MedTech
Some key news, events, achievements, milestones.

CorQuest MedTech attending LSI Europe 2024
So much value from so many constructive connections. Thanks a lot to MedTech CEOs, to service providers, to investors for their feedback on MithraX! Let's keep moving together.
September 2024
MithraX 90 days follow-up
The CorQuest MedTech team is thrilled to confirm a 90 days follow-up of their MithraX grid and anchors, in an in-vivo ovine implantation!
September 2024

A new successful fund raising!
In a very challenging period, CorQuest MedTech is extremely happy and excited to confirm an additional successful fund raising. Existing shareholders and new investors have confirmed their belief in the potential of the company and specifically in our MithraX project.
March 2024
CorQuest MedTech and WSL
Formalization of a new partnership. CorQuest MedTech will benefit from the expertise and experience of the WSL - Incubator for tech startups.
November 2023

Public funding from the Walloon region
Extremely grateful for the confirmed public funding from the Walloon region. A new financial commitment to help us developing MithraX, our new transcatheter mitral repair solution. Many thanks to the team in Namur for their support and very constructive collaboration.
November 2022
MithraX first test
First tests in vitro of our MithraX device, a disruptive mitral repair technology. Months of design iterations, prototyping and finally an exciting and very constructive day in Leuven, with permanent support of the CorQuest team and our Cisteo Medical partners.
October 2022

3F fund raising
CorQuest MedTech proudly secured its first fund raising. Thanks a lot to our new partners who believe in our project and in our team. We are now alive and actively launching our first development project, MithraX.
December 2021